Metro for Alfred 4

Every once in a while I build a new theme for Alfred because I use it so much, and I do enjoy having nice looking UI around. This one is different than the last few I’ve done, and this one I think will last a bit longer because it’s using such simple typesetting, I think it’s likely to age well.

Anyway, I hope you use it and enjoy it, if you do, please do share it around.

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JetBrains editors popping apropos terminal when invoking actions

You may have noticed a new obnoxious behavior in the JetBrains/IntelliJ series of editors when invoking the actions menu ⌘+shift+A. Instead of the normal actions menu rendered by the editor, you get this menu explaining something unrelated.

Being someone who hits this menu many times per day, this really jammed up my shit.

To disable this, and save your sanity, go into System Preferences > Shortcuts > Services > Developer and uncheck the Search man Page index in Terminal shortcut.

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Sweet Vue one-liner for inline SVGs in a component

I came across this nice technique for keeping your markup in a Vue app nice and clean, but still inlining the SVGs at compile-time with webpack. Because SVGs are xml, you can treat them like any other piece of markup with html-loader and as a result, you get nicely integrated SVG content.

<div :key="type"  v-html="require(`!html-loader!@/assets/${type}-line.svg`)"></div>


You should get a VPN (really)

VPNs are super useful tools for keeping your information private for any reason. If you’re on coffee shop WiFi and need to do some banking (tho I’d advise strongly against doing this) you should do that on a VPN. A VPN is not a miracle solution for online security, and there are many security holes in even getting your data to the machine. If you have a virus or some other horrible thing on your machine, a VPN won’t help you. If you’re doing superduper sketchy stuff, you should probably just stop doing that stuff instead of thinking you’re crafty with a VPN.

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Removing terrible MS Word ‘smart quotes’ in JS

I just put this on Twitter, but I thought it could use a more permanent home. Eventually, I’ll just add it to Toothpick. For now though, I’m sure someone is struggling with it right now.

const replaceSmartQuotes = str => str.replace(/[\u2018\u2019]/g, "'").replace(/[\u201C\u201D]/g, ‘”’)`
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