
We’ve been using the excellent Resin platform for deploying Raspberry Pi’s en masse at work. One of the issues we frequently have is the wifi we’re connecting to is either unknown, or incorrect, so we have to update the wifi configuration on a group of devices. Because this need was not met by either Resin-wifi-connect or anything else, we wrote a tiny app to pick configuration value out of the Resin environment variables.
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Smoked v2 for Alfred

Small update to the theme I released last year. This one is a variation on what I pushed out, but has a little bit of a typographic nod to the Palm Pre (yes, that Palm Pre). I’ve been using it for a while, and haven’t updated this repo in a bit. Download from GitHub and give it a whirl. I’ve deprecated the ‘Day’ version because nobody was using it (including myself) and I didn’t really feel like maintaining it.
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Updated Smoked themes for Alfred

Updated my ‘Smoked’ theme package for the excellent Alfred. I took a bit more time on these than I did on the first release. There’s a new halo around the entire window, something that wasn’t possible in the earlier versions of Alfred. The screenshots of these are kind of difficult because the OS X capture doesn’t render the blur filter correctly. The only real difference is that the sub-title on the non-selected items isn’t visible by default.
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Short CPU freezes on OS X El Capitan

Update 1/11/16: Current version of Chrome 47.0.2526.106 resolves this behavior. I’ve been experiencing some short machine freezes while using both OS X Yosemite and El Capitan. Could not figure this out for a while and I think I found the culprit. These short freezes last about 2-4 seconds, only appear while Chrome (production) is running, and appear to freeze not just Chrome but the entire machine. When Chrome runs a software update in the background, it throws the following message in the console "triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map".
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