Smoked Themes for Alfred

I have an infatuation with the Alfred app. It hits so many of the nerd things that I love, last year I put a theme together for Alfred to fit along with the way I have my machine set up. Today, I’m updating my theme significantly, and adding a brand new light theme to the mix. I’ve put it up on Github, feel free to change it up. Enjoy! Import light themeImport dark themeDownload both
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Node.js moves out of Joyent’s Control

Great news from Joyent about Node.js moving to break off into an open source foundation. Presumably this is a reaction to key players in the Node community breaking off to write io.js and the impact that will have on the platform’s growth. What I find interesting about this news is the stakeholders involved in the foundation, who are definitely not a small community (WalMart, PayPal, LinkedIn, Microsoft and others). My hope for this effort is that development continues to move into a stable direction, and Node moves far away from the unsupported, basically deprecated version of V8 it’s currently running on.
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USTwo Designs collection of watch faces

USTwo just designed 40 watch faces for the Android Wear system of wearable devices. Better yet, they open sourced a ton of the resources they used. Exciting news for wearable computing and interesting to see people gaining the ability to customize their watch faces.
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Handy SSH config

When you going into multiple servers at once, it can be handy to have a little leeway when you use password authentication. Let’s say you’re SSHing into one box, then another, then back to the first box. It’d be really nice not to have to paste that first password in again, wouldn’t it? From my buddy Phil, he’s got a handy SSH config that will recycle the first authenticated session when you try to connect again.
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