Completely inspiring.
Smoked theme for Alfred

I baked up a little theme for the Alfred App and put it up on Github for download. Let me know what you think.
Netflix is taking over the world.
I’m glad Netflix is taking a stand against the old model of pilot seasons and old-school television executives. It’s time they have some competition and models are challenged. Time to seize the moment.
The Toolbox
This is a list of the things I use literally every single day, and that I would be lost without. Like a blacksmith has hammers, I’ve got these things. A lot of them are free, and some of them are not. In total, this represents less than $200 of software.
For significantly improving your quality of life, that’s a completely acceptable cost to me, especially because I make my living with this stuff.
Amazing earth visualization

Check this out. Amazing way to look at wind flow around the planet.