Short CPU freezes on OS X El Capitan

Update 1/11/16: Current version of Chrome 47.0.2526.106 resolves this behavior.

I’ve been experiencing some short machine freezes while using both OS X Yosemite and El Capitan. Could not figure this out for a while and I think I found the culprit.

These short freezes last about 2-4 seconds, only appear while Chrome (production) is running, and appear to freeze not just Chrome but the entire machine.

When Chrome runs a software update in the background, it throws the following message in the console "triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map".

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NGinX Configuration with basic auth & custom error messages

If for some reason you need the following things out of an NGinX server:

  • Multiple virtual blocks
  • Basic authentication (with IP whitelist of approved IPs
  • Customized error messages

there are some things you should probably be aware of, as the virtual block configuration is not obvious.

First off, custom error messages are straightforward if and only if you do not have basic auth enabled.

If you do, you need to ensure two things. Your error_page flag needs to reside above the location block of that specific virtual host.

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The Vintage parts of the MTA

There are some crazy things about this video and how the NYC subway system works. Huge swaths of infrastructure are over 80 years old. They use cloth-covered wire as the means of connection between critical pieces of switching equipment. Thankfully, they’re getting slowly upgraded, but it’s going to take many many years.

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